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생산공정 전문자격 인증

생산공정 전문자격 인증
교육 코스 소개
과정명 교육배경 및 수요 교육 후 진로
배관용접검사원(API 570) 자격 취득 실무 교육(1차)(On-line강좌)
  • ○ 조선·해양플랜트 용접검사원/배관용접 검사원 직무 수행자 및 희망자 필수 교육과정
  • ○ 조선·해양플랜트의 배관·용접 직무 관련자에게 필수적으로 요구되는 API Code를 이해하고 적용 할 수 있는 자격증 보유자 양성 필요
  • ① 조선·해양 배관 생산 및 품질관리 업체
  • ② 조선·해양 배관 설치 공사
  • ③ 조선·해양 배관 용접 검사원
  • ④ 조선·해양 배관 용접 감독 업무
교육 참가 추천 대상자
구분 참가 추천 대상자
○ 배관접합 용접부/ 압력용기 용접부 검사 방법 및 국제 standard를 이해하고 규정을 적용할 수 있다. ○ 미국 석유협회에서 주관하는 API ICP 570/510자격증을 취득할 수 있다
  • 조선·해양 배관 용접 실무 경력 3년
  • 강좌구성 및 교육내용
    강좌명 교육 내용 교육유형 교육시간
    API ○ API 소개
    ○ API ICP Piping Inspector 소개
    ○ API 자격증 시험관련 설명
    이론 2
    ASME B&PV V ○ Purpose of the Code
    ○ Organization of the Code
    ○ RT Techniques
    ○ Purpose & Selection of IQI’'s
    ○ RT Film Density Requirements
    ○ Key terms discussed in the Code
    ○ Tips on how to find needed information in the Code
    이론 6
    ASME B&PV VIII ○ Purpose and Scope of the Code
    ○ Qualification requirements specified by the Code
    ○ Roles specified by the Code
    ○ Key terms discussed in the Code
    ○ Vessel and Vessel Part MAWP
    ○ Stresses Longitudinal and Circumferential
    ○ Types of Joints
    ○ Weld Joint Categories
    ○ Amount of RT Full or Spot
    ○ RT Factors · Static Head Pressure
    ○ Vessel MAWP · Joint Efficiency
    ○ Minimum Thickness for a Cylindrical Shell
    ○ The significant of a brittle fracture
    ○ Pneumatic Test Pressure
    ○ Minimum Thickness for a Formed Head
    ○ Vessel Part MAWP for Shell and Formed Heads
    ○ Hydro test Test Pressure
    ○ Vessel MDMT
    ○ Acceptance criteria for Impact Tests
    ○ Fillet weld terms
    ○ Maximum Allowable External Pressure for a Shell
    ○ Minimum size of nozzle fillet welds
    ○ Nozzle reinforcement
    이론 8
    ASME B&PV XI ○ Purpose of the Code
    ○ Roles of the Inspector
    ○ Organization of the Code
    ○ Welding Positions Test and Field
    ○ Testing Requirements and Acceptance Criteria
    ○ Welder Qualification Process and Restrictions
    ○ Weld Procedure Qualification Process and Restrictions
    ○ Review and Evaluate a WPQ (Welder Performance Qualification)
    ○ Review and Evaluate a WPS (Welding Procedure Specification) and the associated PQR (Procedure Qualification Record)
    이론 8
    API 510 ○ Purpose and Scope of API 510
    ○ Responsibilities defined in API 510
    ○ Corrosion Mechanisms
    ○ Fitness for Service Evaluations
    ○ Inspection Types and Requirements
    ○ Inspection Intervals
    ○ Inspection of Relief Devices
    ○ Inspector &Engineer Roles
    이론 13
    API 572 ○ Purpose and Scope of API 572
    ○ Introduction to Pressure Vessels
    ○ Condition Assessment and Repair
    ○ Records and Reports
    이론 6
    API 576 ○ Purpose and operation of Balanced Bellows Relief Devices
    ○ Purpose and operation of Pilot Operatored Relief Devices
    이론 6
    API 570 ○ Purpose and Scope of API 570
    ○ Terms, Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
    ○ Owner/User Inspection Organization
    ○ Inspection, Examination, and Pressure Testing Practices
    ○ Interval/Frequency and Extent of Inspection
    ○ Inspection Data Evaluation, Analysis, and Recording
    ○ Repairs, Alterations, and Re-rating of Piping Systems
    이론 13
    API 574 ○ Purpose and Scope of API 574
    ○ Piping Components
    ○ Pipe-joining Methods
    ○ Reasons for Inspection
    ○ Inspection Plans
    ○ Frequency and Extent of Inspection
    ○ Inspection Procedures and Practices
    ○ Determination of Minimum Required Thickness
    ○ Records
    이론 6
    API 577 ○ Purpose and Scope of API 574
    ○ Welding Inspection/Processes/Procedure
    ○ Welding Materials/Qualification
    ○ Non-Destructive Examination
    ○ Metallurgy
    ○ Refinery and Petrochemical Plant Welding Issues
    이론 6
    API 578 ○ Purpose and Scope of API 578
    ○ Extent of Verification
    ○ Material Verification Program Test Methods
    ○ Evaluation of PMI Test Results
    ○ Marking and Record keeping
    이론 6
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